Management Actions from the Northern Forests Hub Region
Climate Change Considerations for Forest Operations in Northern Forests
Climate change is altering current weather patterns and may complicate forest operations. This guide presents climate change impacts on operations in northern forests, considerations for planning,…
Climate and Management Effects on Soil Organic Carbon in Temperate Managed Ecosystems
Protecting soil carbon is crucial for effective carbon management, as reversing losses is slow and difficult. This resource considers various effects on soil carbon in temperate managed ecosystems…
Effects of Fire on Ecosystem Carbon in the Midwest and Eastern United States
Prior to European settlement, fire was a common disturbance across most of the Midwest and Eastern United States. Today, prescribed fire is used as a management tool to promote native, fire-tolerant…
Carbon in Non-Forested Wetlands of the Midwest and Eastern United States
Although wetlands make up a small percentage of total land area in the United States, they store a disproportionate amount of carbon largely due to their unique hydrology. Here, a basic summary of…
Non-Native Invasive Earthworms in the Midwest and Eastern United States
Non-native invasive earthworms can significantly disrupt natural ecosystems. This resource explores the various effects of these earthworms on ecosystems in the Midwest and Eastern US. Additional…
Adaptation Actions for Spruce-Fir Forests in New England and New York
Many management actions are available to help land managers respond to climate change impacts on spruce-fir forests in New England and New York.
Adaptation Actions for Mixedwood Forests in New England and New York
Many management actions are available to help land managers respond to climate change impacts on mixedwood forests in New England and New York.
Quick Start Guide to Adaptation Planning for Natural Resources Professionals
Use this quick guide to incorporate climate change considerations into Natural Resources Planningefforts.
Adaptation Actions for Northern Hardwood Forests in New England and New York
Many management actions are available to help land managers respond to climate change impacts on northern hardwood forests in New England and New York.
Adaptation Management Strategies for Northern Forest Ecosystems in New England and New York
This guide aims to help managers identify potential adaptation management actions in northern hardwood, mixedwood, and spruce-fir forests in New England and New York.
Wildlife Adaptation Menu
The Wildlife Adaptation Menu provides tools and guidance to support wildlife managers in designing and implementing actions for climate change adaptation.
Outdoor Recreation Adaptation Menu
A synthesis of impacts, strategies, and approaches for adapting outdoor recreation in a changing climate.